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Showing posts from March, 2018

If there is anything virtuous....

This week flew by so fast that I cannot even remember what happened Monday. It feels like Monday happened seven years ago. I learned a lot about who I am and a lot of spiritual stuff because today and tomorrow is General Conference for our church. So, I've been focusing a lot on the Savior, the Gospel, and the Temple. I recognized that in the readings and videos, there was a lot more focus on being a good person and being trustworthy. I read about some people that lied and I also read about some people that focused all their resources on helping others and giving back. Needless to say, I have done some reflecting this week and I have made myself some new goals that I want to apply next semester. 1. Put God first always. He will provide. And go to the temple weekly. 2. Talk one on one with family members and friends more often. 3. Put more time and effort into my school work I have some more, but those are the top ones that I want to focus on. I feel like I have done decently

Attitude on Money

This week, we focused a lot on our priorities in life, such as God, Family, Education, Relationships, Money, etc. We read a couple mini cases that helped open our minds to the possible situations we could face in the future as business people and parents. It was really interesting to read the stories and try to put myself in their shoes. I was actually kind of thrown off at first because I read the story and immediately had no idea what I would do. I talked with my roommate and she asked me a question to get my mind focused and thinking: "Would you choose work or family?". Immediately, I knew that I would choose family, I had no doubts. However, in the moment I was flustered. I'm glad that I was presented with that question, because now I have written down my priorities and I know where I stand and what I want. We also read another article this week called, "Attitude on Money". First of all, my attitude towards money is this: I know that money is important

Focus on the GOOD

This week, I interviewed an entrepreneur that happened to be an old friend of mine. We met before I served my mission and since then, he has sold everything he owns, transferred to BYU-Hawaii, and opened up a food truck. As I was talking with him, I realized a few things that I knew, but hadn't remembered. 1. You have to be ALL IN. Fully focus on your business or else it will suffer 2. Sacrifice is required to have a successful business. He sold everything he had to have enough money to be able to move to Hawaii and open up his food truck, but it was worth it for the experience. 3. Income is not steady. It probably never will be either. It will start off very low and then maybe get really high and then it'll be a journey from there. You have to learn how to invest wisely and always have an emergency fund. I knew when I started down this path of becoming an entrepreneur that it was going to be an adventure, but boy did I not realize how crazy it was going to get. I've

The Greatest Leaders Are the Greatest Followers

"If  I  were  to  ask  you,  “Who  is  the  greatest  leader  who  ever  lived?”—what  would  you  say?  The  answer,  of  course,  is  Jesus  Christ.  He  sets  the  perfect  example  of  every  imaginable  leadership  quality. But  what  if  I  were  to  ask  you,  “Who  is  the  greatest  follower  who  ever  lived?”—wouldn’t  the  answer  again  be  Jesus  Christ?  He  is  the  greatest  leader  because  He  is  the  greatest  follower—He  follows  His  Father  perfectly,  in  all  things." -Stephen W. Owen This week, we read quite a few stories and watched a few videos, and it got me thinking a lot about leadership. Hence why I started this entry off with a quote from the talk, "The Greatest Leaders Are the Greatest Followers" by Stephen W. Owen. I read this talk on my mission and it was a major eye opener for me. All my life, I have thought of myself as a good leader, one who takes charge, who guides people, a peacemaker. However, when I read this talk

Good Things to Come

“Don’t give up, boy. Don’t you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead—a lot of it—30 years of it now, and still counting. You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come.” ''  Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ,  they come. " These are two of my favorite quotes from this Mormon Message that we watched this week for our class. I hadn't thought about this video in a long time, and I was shocked to see it on our agenda of preparation for the week. I absolutely love the message of this video and I think it applies to everyone, especially right now as a college student. There are constantly decisions having to be made and sometimes "random" challenges that are presented before us. Although life gets tough, we are tougher. This week, I learned the importance of pushing through an