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If there is anything virtuous....

This week flew by so fast that I cannot even remember what happened Monday. It feels like Monday happened seven years ago. I learned a lot about who I am and a lot of spiritual stuff because today and tomorrow is General Conference for our church. So, I've been focusing a lot on the Savior, the Gospel, and the Temple. I recognized that in the readings and videos, there was a lot more focus on being a good person and being trustworthy. I read about some people that lied and I also read about some people that focused all their resources on helping others and giving back. Needless to say, I have done some reflecting this week and I have made myself some new goals that I want to apply next semester.

1. Put God first always. He will provide. And go to the temple weekly.
2. Talk one on one with family members and friends more often.
3. Put more time and effort into my school work

I have some more, but those are the top ones that I want to focus on. I feel like I have done decently with a few of them, but I could definitely improve.

Next, I wanted to talk a little bit about why virtue and integrity are so vital to the economy.
1. Without integrity, WHAT IS BUSINESS? Everything would be a lie and that wouldn't be good for anyone.
2. Virtue is a hard trait to find in people these days, BUT it is still important and people should still try to develop it and show it in the work place. When people notice that you have high standards, they usually will trust you more and want to do business with you.

According to Charles Handy, the reason to have a business is to make a profit SO THAT the business can do something MORE.

Finally, two solutions that he came up with that I agree with are:
1. More corporate democracy and better corporate behavior: democracy is good and behavior can always be improved
2. Taking more care of the people: people are literally becoming monks to their jobs because they spend so much time focusing on that and nothing else.
