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Focus on the GOOD

This week, I interviewed an entrepreneur that happened to be an old friend of mine. We met before I served my mission and since then, he has sold everything he owns, transferred to BYU-Hawaii, and opened up a food truck. As I was talking with him, I realized a few things that I knew, but hadn't remembered.

1. You have to be ALL IN. Fully focus on your business or else it will suffer
2. Sacrifice is required to have a successful business. He sold everything he had to have enough money to be able to move to Hawaii and open up his food truck, but it was worth it for the experience.
3. Income is not steady. It probably never will be either. It will start off very low and then maybe get really high and then it'll be a journey from there. You have to learn how to invest wisely and always have an emergency fund.

I knew when I started down this path of becoming an entrepreneur that it was going to be an adventure, but boy did I not realize how crazy it was going to get. I've kind of been getting a little nervous about next year. I graduate in December, and after that, I'll kind of be on my own... I have to figure out where to live, what to do with work, how to start a business, etc. It makes me want to slow down time as much as possible and savor the college life.There are so many good things in life that I take advantage of and I don't want to do that anymore. I've started writing them down and I'll add some at the end of every journal entry now.

good things:
drinking hot chocolate after being out in the snow all day
talking to my mom when I'm having a bad day
holding a brand new baby that you know just came from the presence of God
