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The Greatest Leaders Are the Greatest Followers

"If were to ask you, “Who is the greatest leader who ever lived?”—what would you say? The answer, of course, is Jesus Christ. He sets the perfect example of every imaginable leadership quality.
But what if were to ask you, “Who is the greatest follower who ever lived?”—wouldn’t the answer again be Jesus Christ? He is the greatest leader because He is the greatest follower—He follows His Father perfectly, in all things." -Stephen W. Owen
This week, we read quite a few stories and watched a few videos, and it got me thinking a lot about leadership. Hence why I started this entry off with a quote from the talk, "The Greatest Leaders Are the Greatest Followers" by Stephen W. Owen. I read this talk on my mission and it was a major eye opener for me. All my life, I have thought of myself as a good leader, one who takes charge, who guides people, a peacemaker. However, when I read this talk and when I read about leadership this week, it helped me realize that I need to work on being a better follower if I want to become a better leader.
Another talk that hit me a lot was "Leadership with a Small "L" by President Kim B. Clark. He mentions three principles of great leaders. They are:
1. Lead by example
2. Lead with vision
3. Lead with love
I think that if I apply these to my life, then I can become the leader that I want to become. A leader that can lead the next greatest hit company on the earth.
