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Showing posts from January, 2018

Why Integrity?

I learned quite a lot this week about how I handle stress and tough situations. School got really rough, I planned a road trip to Utah at an inopportune time, and personal struggles weighed on me. I needed saving and my personal study of the scriptures, as well as, the readings/ videos for this class saved my life. There was one article in particular that really stood out to me this week. It talked about integrity, which before reading this, I thought I knew what integrity was, but I've realized that I've only begun to understand this word. Sheri Dew suggests seven things that we could do to become men and women of integrity. They are as follows: 1. Decide today, once and for all, that you will be worthy of trust 2. Have faith that the Lord can and will help you, and then diligently seek His help. 3. Make covenants and keep them. 4. Stand up for what you believe. 5. Expect your integrity to be challenged. 6. Don’t give up. 7. Covenant–or perhaps I should say, renew yo

Day 10 ish

This week was quite something. I feel like a drowned in homework and quizzes, without learning anything meaningful. But as I'm sitting here writing this, I realized that I learned a little this week about who I am. I dug deeper into myself, and saw who I was from the outside perspective. I noticed myself commenting or not commenting to certain conversations. I saw myself yearning to be somewhere else, somewhere else besides my junior year of college. I didn't know if I was ready for the journey ahead or the possible challenges that would come along with it. Then a talk I had read recently came to my mind. It's called Obtaining Help From the Lord by Richard G. Scott. There's a part towards the end that really hits me every time. It reads, "We see such a limited part of the eternal plan He has fashioned for each one of us. Trust Him, even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate acti

Day One of the Rest of My Life

I guess I’ll start off by introducing myself. My name is Rachel Meager. I am twenty years old. Right now, I am living in the tiny town of Rexburg, Idaho trying to survive brutal winters, harsh college classes, and the occasional homesickness. It’s actually been quite the adventure these past six days. I have been brainstorming ideas for a future business, asking friends what my interests are, and avoiding crying in front of everyone. Finally today, I broke down. My roommate, Melissa sat me down and confirmed a question to a prayer I forgot I had. Now, I’m really excited to get started and see what happens with my life. Lessons learned: God is ALWAYS listening and He often answers prayers through other people. Roommates can be your best friends, if you allow them. This means, however, that you have to open up and let them in. Agency. We have it and we need to learn how to effectively use it. God loves us and He wants us to be happy, but we have to ask. “Therefore, ask, an