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Showing posts from April, 2018

Last Lecture

I'm going to write to you today as if it was my last opportunity to say anything on this subject. There are several key lessons that I've learned throughout this course and I will try my best to explain them in a way that is coherent. Know that these are not the actual answers to life and that those come from the Book of Mormon and from our relationship with our Father in Heaven. Lessons Learned 1. Talk to our Father in Heaven and He will talk to you. He wants to hear everything. I promise. 2. We are not meant to be born, work, and die. Life is meant to be fun. "... men  are ,  that  they  might  have  joy . " (2 Nephi 2:25). 3. Prioritize. Everything. Always. 4. Dogs are great. 5. Make goals. Make plans. And them DO THEM!!! 6. Talk to your mom. Talk to your best friend. Talk to your brother. Talk to people. Humans need interaction. Also, everyone has a story. 7. Never lie. It's not worth it. I cannot em phasis enough how much love God has for us. He lo

Being a Life Enthusiast

I feel that everyone, especially me could find the benefit in an attitude of lifelong learning. We have eternity to learn, so we might as well take advantage of it while we are here on the earth. We have agency for a reason. God put us on the earth so that we could learn how to learn and so that we could grow and have experiences. We are here to have joy. Joy comes through learning from others, trials, and the journey called life. I absolutely love learning. I want to spend my whole life learning about LIFE. I have started making a list of things that I want to do here on earth and I would like to share a few: Become fluent in Spanish Learn how to make the perfect cinnamon rolls Go to Hawaii See the Northern Lights in Alaska Get married in the temple and have a family Swim with dolphins Go to the Rome Temple dedication Life is all about learning, adventuring, growing, experiencing, failing and succeeding. I don't want to miss out on any second of life. I'm a l